Online portfolio of cartoon and illustration work by JR Johnson, an Illustrator and Cartoonist in Southern California
Reproduction rights for all images are available for a nominal fee. Click on “Contact” for access to more images and information. JR is also available for cartoon or illustration assignment work. If you think it He can draw it.
Book Illustration & Children’s Market
Boating Cartoons
RV Camping Cartoons
Magazine Cartoons & Illustrations
Xmas Card Samples
Advertising Cartoon Samples
Loose Cartoon Style Fall Savings brochure Coveer
Loose Cartoon Style Brochure Cover closeup
Loose Cartoon Style Brochure Cover closeup
Loose Style Ice Skating Cartoon Brochure Cover
Loose Style Ice Skating Cartoon Brochure Inside
Loose Cartoon Style Winter Savings Brochure
Loose Cartoon Style Winter Savings Brochure Insets
Loose Cartoon Style "Falling Prices" Money Tree Brochure Illustration
Spring Ducklings Mailer Cover Illustration
Spring Ducklings Mailer Illustrated Interior Panel
Cartoon Children & Sandcastle on the Beach Summer Savings Brochure Illustration
Cartoon Children & Sand Sculpture on the Beach Summer Savings Brochure Interior Illustration
Cartoon Car Character Party Illustration
Cartoon Car Party Butler Inset Illustration
Cartoon Car Special Event Invitation Butler
Cartoon style Summer brochure "Polar Bears On The Beach" A
Cartoon style Summer brochure "Polar Bears On The Beach" B, with surf and jet ski bears
Charlie Tuna rendering
Charlie Tuna Mexican style rendering
Location Cartoon Signage for a discount retail group
Cartoon Money Machine Inset Illustration
Cartoon mascot Hondaman
Cartoon mascot Hondaman holding up the earth
Cartoon mascot Hondaman with the number one (#1 )
Cartoon mascot Hondaman with turkey and pilgrim attire
Hondaman Playing Electric Guitar
Cartoon mascot Hondaman as a Leprechaun
Facility and Process Maps
Long Beach Museum Facility watercolor rendering for promotional brochure
Cartoon Style facility rendering for Western Family YMCA
Cartoon Style location map for Camp Tockwogh, and Delaware YMCA locations
Rendering of Bear/Glasgow YMCA facility
Cartoon style rendering of Camp Tockwogh facility
Pre-construction rendering of the Jess Ranch RV resort
Pre Construction Morongo Racing Facility rendering
Cartoon Rendering of the Longo Toyota car buying process
Tyron Wheel Safety Band purchase and installation process
Sketch Samples
(Background Art; Value Sketch versus Color)